Ultimately, Project DOCUMERICA was derailed by Watergate.
Ultimately, Project DOCUMERICA was derailed by Watergate.
Just as it was getting up to speed, the Hampshire—Ruckelshaus collaboration
Just as it was getting up to speed, the Hampshire—Ruckelshaus collaboration
was broken. The EPA’s Administrator was reassigned to fill a top post in the Justice
was broken. The EPA’s Administrator was reassigned to fill a top post in the Justice
Department that was vacated during the scandal. And shortly thereafter, Ruckelshaus
Department that was vacated during the scandal. And shortly thereafter, Ruckelshaus
himself famously resigned in what came to be known as the Saturday Night Massacre.
himself famously resigned in what came to be known as the Saturday Night Massacre.
Without a supportive EPA Administrator, Hampshire couldn’t maintain the
Without a supportive EPA Administrator, Hampshire couldn’t maintain the
funding levels the project had enjoyed for its first few years, and it eventually
funding levels the project had enjoyed for its first few years, and it eventually
languished. Assignments ceased, staff was reassigned and the body of 16,000 images
languished. Assignments ceased, staff was reassigned and the body of 16,000 images
selected for the collection eventually came to rest at the National Archives.
selected for the collection eventually came to rest at the National Archives.